Unique natural fibers: physicochemical characteristics of lignin-cellulosic fibers from Aechmea Bromeliifolia leaves (Book chapter)


Ligno-cellulosic fibers are abundantly present in a diverse flora. Bromeliaceae is considered one of the most prominent vegetable family in terms of the availability of these fibrous plants, making for excellent textile leaf fibers. The objective of this work is to present a preliminary physicochemical characterization of the Brazilian-native Aechmea Bromeliifolia fiber. The fibers were manually extracted from the species’ leaves to be studied in terms of their physical and chemical structure, and mechanical behavior. The results were compared to known fibers in the textile industry, identifying the fiber’s potential for textile application. Nevertheless, further study is needed for property optimization and the improvement of extraction and treatment methods

QUEIROZ, Rayana Santiago; BROEGA, Ana Cristina; SOUTO, António Pedro Garcia Valadares. Unique natural fibers: physicochemical characteristics of lignin-cellulosic fibers from Aechmea Bromeliifolia leaves. In: Di BUCCHIANICO, Giuseppe; SHIN, Cliff Sungsoo; SHIM, Scott; FUKUDA, Shuichi; MONTAGNA, Gianni; CARVALHO, Cristina (Eds.). Advances in industrial design. Florida: Springer, 2020. p. 777-784. (Paper present International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2020)(Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v.1202)

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