Dimensional metrological characterization of a hotrolling roll using roundness measureng machine ( book chapter)


The metrological evaluation of geometrical characteristics of a hot rolling roll was the purpose of this work. Diameter, straightness, parallelism between generatrixes, circularity and cylindricity measurements were carried out, in order to serve as parameters in tribological analysis for the wear in hot rolling. A roundness measuring machine was used and the results presented are part of the final work of the analysis of wear in the roll, manufactured from a particular alloy under study.

YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru; CASTANHO, Manuel António Pires. Caracterização metrológica dimensional de cilindro de laminação utilizando máquina de medição de forma. In: AYOUB; Juliana Pizzano; OLIVEIRA, Marcel Ricardo Nogueira. Engenharia multiscientia: abordagens, conceitos e aprofundamentos da engenharia aplicada. São Luíz: Ed. Pascal, 2019. Cap.5, p. 68-81.

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