Global innovative public transport R&D and policy trends report (book chapter)


This deliverable provides an overview of current Research and Development (R&D) initiatives on sustainable Public Transport solutions and related policies already implemented or to be tested in the coming years in Latin America, China and Singapore. A number of relevant initiatives between Europe and these 3 regions are today on-going with the final objective of reinforcing international cooperation in science and technology by presenting their experiences and recommendations for an enhanced and more effective cooperation. During this process, a policy dialogue has also led to the identification of common obstacles, challenges and synergies. In this context, the Viajeo Plus partners are committed to prepare the foundations for future collaboration between worldwide cities and PT stakeholders and deliver to the EC recommendations on future collaboration with the project target regions (i.e. Latin America, China and Singapore). In terms of Public Transport solutions, this deliverable reports on the analysis of R&D projects, policy studies and demonstrations performed in the three regions to identify the range of public transport solutions available today as well as assess practices best-suited to meet existing and future mobility needs as a way to highlight the main future trends. Strategic documents on national transport-related policies have been carefully reviewed and 6 local experts has been interviewed. Experts are representatives of the transport sector with a long experience in Research, Innovation and Development, with a deep knowledge of the current situation in the target regions, transport initiatives and main trends for the future.

Di PAQUALE, Guido; TOZZI, Michele; SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; LEAL, Adriano Galindo; TAO, Charlee. Global innovative public transport R&D and policy trends report. In: VIAJEO PLUS: international coordenation implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions. Bruxelas-Belgica: Ertico, 2016. D5.2, 40 p.

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