Monitoring program of reservoir bank erosion at Porto Primavera Dam, Parana river, SP/MS, Brazil (book chapter)


This paper presents the results achieved in the monitoring program of reservoir bank erosion processes at Porto Primavera dam (states of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul—Brazil) between 2000 and 2011. Measurements of erosion have been made on more than 100 permanent erosion stations along the reservoir. The total area studied was grouped into units of analysis, named sectors, based on factors that control the evolution of the erosion processes and their similar bank retreat behaviour. Bank retreat prediction maps were made and can be intended as bank erosion susceptibility due to wave’s action. When in conjunction with other parameters of analyses it is possible to develop risk charts. These risk charts can become extremely useful tools for the reservoir environmental management. The criteria used to implement the bank erosion monitoring program are discussed as well as the evolution of erosion processes

SIQUEIRA, Alessandra Gonçalves; AZEVEDO, Alberto Aurelio; DOZZI, Lucia de Fátima Silveira; DUARTE, H. Monitoring program of reservoir bank erosion at Porto Primavera Dam, Parana river, SP/MS, Brazil. In: LOLLINO, Giorgio et al. Engineering geology for society and territory. London: Springer, 2015. v.3: River basin, reservoir sedimentation and water resources. p.351-355.

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