Construction environmental performance information system: a tool for incorporating environmental indicators into the Brazilian construction sector


This work presents the Construction Environmental Performance Information System (Sidac), which allows calculating cradle-to-gate environmental performance indicators of construction products based on verified Brazilian data. We present the main methodological assumptions and functionalities of the tool, the insertion and use of data in Sidac, and the history of its development. Finally, we present some possibilities for researchers to contribute to the improvement of Sidac. The launch of Sidac represents a decisive step to enabling the assessment of the environmental performance of construction in Brazil in a practical and accessible way.

SILVA, Fernanda Belizário; OLIVEIRA, Lidiane Santana; REIS, Daniel Costa; PATO, Gabriel Torres Gomes; MARINHO, Arthur Coser; DEGANI, Clarice; CALDAS, Lucas Rosse; PUNHAGUI, Katia Regina Garcia; PACCA, Sérgio Almeida; JOHN, Vanderley. Sistema de Informação do desempenho ambiental da construção: uma ferramenta para incorporar indicadores ambientais na construção civil brasileira. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Ambiente Construído: Resiliente e Sustentável, 19., 2022, Canela. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2022. 13 p.

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