Levantamento, mapeamento e concepção de soluções para problemas nas áreas de risco dos bairros de Nova Capão Bonito, São Judas Tadeu, Vila Aparecida e Vila Jardim São Francisco, município de Capão Bonito, SP


This article aims to present the results of work conducted by the Institute for Technological Research – IPT on the mapping and indication of structural and non-structural measures in the areas of geological risk in neighborhoods Nova Capão Bonito, São Judas Tadeu, Vila Aparecida and Vila Jardim São Francisco in the municipality of Capão Bonito, Brazil. In these areas some houses are located in unfavorable reliefs to the occupation and presents a history of accidents related for mass movement processes and floods. As a result this work tries indicate for the municipality the policies of urban and environmental development, of housing provision and social inclusion, as well as to establish risk management actions involving the different local teams in the municipality.

HIRATA, Priscila Taminato; MIRANDOLA, Fabrício Araújo; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; GUIMARÃES, Marcela Penha Pereira; GOMES, Claúdio Luiz Ridente; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina. Levantamento, mapeamento e concepção de soluções para problemas nas áreas de risco dos bairros de Nova Capão Bonito, São Judas Tadeu, Vila Aparecida e Vila Jardim São Francisco, município de Capão Bonito, SP. In: CONGRESSO BRASILERIO DE GELOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 15.,2015, Bento Gonçalves. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2015. 12 p. cd-rom

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