Análise não linear de elemento com seção variável submetido à flexo compressão


This paper presents structural analysis of a circular variable cross-section element, crimped at one end and free at the other under bending and compression action taking into account the effect of second order geometric nonlinearity. This case can occur on poles, fence posts and columns that are set in the ground. The theoretical model was based on the Hamilton principle and on virtual work. Cosine shape function was used for the formulation of the equilibrium equation. In this analysis, the elastic equation with small rotations and large displacements was considered. For the evaluation of this model, the criteria established by the Eurocode Standard 5 were used to compare the compressive and flexural strength, as well as the stability of C30 class wood. The flexural strength was obtained by the product of the bending strength by the modulus of resistance of the cross section. For the compression, the crush strength and instability due to buckling were taken into account. Simulations were performed to compare the second order effect with respect to flexural strength and stability. It was concluded that the strength, stability of slender frames are significantly influenced and that they must be considered in international standards.

YOJO, Takashi; SOUZA, Cassiano Oliveira de; MACENA, Suelem Maurício Fontes. Análise não linear de elemento com seção variável submetido à flexo compressão. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO EM MADEIRAS E EM ESTRUTURAS DE MADEIRA, 17., 2021, Florianópolis. Anais on-line… 13 p.

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