Caracterization of biomasses for the rapid pyrolysis process


Environmental issues have been motivating the interest in using agro-industrial waste for energy use. In this scenario, solid and liquid biofuels are an important source of renewable energy in the world. The objective of this work was to characterize five types of different biomasses that will be used in fast pyrolysis tests to evaluate their physicochemical characteristics in the generation of renewable energy. Chip and bark from Eucalyptus sp, bagasse and straw from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) and
food residues from the restaurant of the Institute for Technological Research – IPT were used. The samples were characterized in natura according to the methods proposed by the American Society for Testing and Materials – ASTM E1757 and International Organization for Standardization – ISO 14780. Immediate, elementary and calorific analyzes were performed. ASTM E1756-8 and ASTM E871 were used to determine humidity. The ash content was obtained by combustion of biomass, according to the standards ASTM E1755 and ASTM D1102-84. The volatile compounds were determined according to the ASTM D1762-84 standard and for the calculation of fixed carbon to ASTM D3172. To obtain the carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contents, ASTM D5373 method A was used and the sulfur content was ASTM D4239. The oxygen content was calculated according to ASTM D3176. The determination of the higher calorific value followed the ASTM D5865 method, which consisted of the combustion of a sample tablet.
The lower calorific value was calculated by subtracting the amount of energy released during water condensation.

GARCIA, Adriana; SILVA, Ana Paula de Souza; MENDONÇA. Marcelo Aparecido; ALVES, Vittor Rodrigues Santos. Caracterização de biomassas para o processo de pirólise rápida. In: CONGRESSO DE ENERGIA RENOVÁVEIS, CONER, 2., Sorocaba, 2021. On-line. Anais on-line ...  p.193-202.

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