Sulpur oxides emission (SOx) in industrial combustion


In Industries, sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3 – SOx) are formed by burning of fossil fuels (oil, mineral coal) which have sulfur in their composition. These oxides are considered air pollutants due to their action on the environment. SO3 also has the aggravating factor of reacting with water from the combustion gases to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) which can condense and cause corrosion inside the equipment. The emission of SOx can be reduced by acting directly on the fuel or by installing desulfurization systems in the equipment chimneys. In research and development, and in rendering services to industry carried out by LET, SOx emissions are calculated using an application developed by the Laboratory or are measured using instrumentation prescribed in standards.

VERGNHANNI FILHO, Renato. Emissão de óxidos de enxofre (SOx) na combustão industrial. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.4,n.14,p. 65-76, ago., 2020.

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