Analysis of the environmental function of permanente preservation áreas in enterprese assessment


The analysis of permanent preservation areas (PPAs) is an important step to design technological and locational alternatives for the environmental assessment of enterprises, as well as to support the issuance of environmental licenses. Thus, the aim of the current study is to present the method developed for the environmental assessment of ventures that have direct or indirect effects on PPAs and on their environmental functions. Five steps were proposed for this analysis: the conceptualization of PPAs based on a literature review; technical visit to the study site; analysis of the environmental functions of PPAs; PPA mapping; and evaluation of projects and future uses to be applied to the area. The herein proposed method was effective and efficient in the presented case studies, since it allowed recommending adjustments in the project presented by the entrepreneur and technically supported the selection of the best locational alternative by taking into consideration the environmental legislation requirements.

IKEMATSU, Priscila; BITAR, Omar Yazbek; LONGO, Mariana Hortelani Carneseca CAMPOS, Sofia Julia Macedo; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz. Analysis of the environmental function of permanente preservation áreas in enterprese assessment. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais, v.55, n.1, p.1-18, mar., 2020.

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