Habitability classification for precarious settlement houses


This paper presents a proposal for the classification of habitability for housing in precarious settlements. For this, it was necessary to construct the concept of habitability itself, since there is not yet in Brazil a set of specific parameters of this nature. The work used national and international laws, regulations and norms, endorsed by bodies such as the UN, WHO, the Brazilian Constitution, ISO and ABNT. These references contributed to the definition of guidelines and habitability requirements, taking into consideration the safety, health and comfort conditions of the inhabitants in precarious settlements. Subsequently, the Cross Impact Matrix (MIC) technique was used, a risk analysis tool created by M. Godet and adapted by A. Brasiliano, through which the habitability guidelines were analyzed, both in terms of their criticality (or degree of severity), as well as their motricity (or potential influence of one on By allowing for the simultaneous visualization of the criticality and motility of the habitability guidelines, the MIC technique provided a global view of the problem, enabling the establishment of a priority order for its approach. From this, a proposal for a habitability classification was presented, which allows the identification of housing units by colors, which simultaneously and succinctly express their habitability conditions and the level of priority with which they should be. treated. It is hoped that the present work can provide subsidies for decisionmaking processes in the context of interventions in precarious settlements, so as to allow the objective assessment of housing quality from the point of view of their habitability conditions, making it possible to differentiate between housing units that should be removed from those that can be consolidated on the spot, as well as the definition of the type of intervention most appropriate for each case.

SAKAYEMURA, Luciana Y.; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves. Classificação de habitabilidade para moradias em assentamentos precários: assentamentos humanos. Diálogos Interdisciplinares, v.8, n.5, p.57-79, 2019.

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