Electromagnetic interference assessment of small electronic devices with a TEM cel


Electromagnetic Compatibility deserves an increasing interest because as modern industry 4.0 searches for better results in productivity and efficiency, it is expected the presence of an increasingly number of more complex electronic devices, including portable devices. This paper shows how a TEM cell allows analyzing the effects of Electromagnetic Interference, in an easy way and with small cost, during the development phase of the product.

ANGELO, João Henrique; DIAS, Marcelo Sanches; PEREIRA FILHO, Mario Leite; FERREIRA JUNIOR, Antonio Francisco Gentil; JANISZEWSKI, Jorge Mieczyslaw. Electromagnetic interference assessment of small electronic devices with a TEM cell. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE METROLOGIA ELÉTRICO – SEMETRO, 13., 2019, Florianópolis. Anais… 5 p.

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