Technical and economic analysis of robotic welding of presure vessels using solid wire and metal cored under active atmosphere


The pursuit of higher efficiency and lower cost welding processes makes the pressure vessel manufacturing market increasingly competitive. Currently, solid wires are the most used in robot welding, and the tubular wires are not very participative in this mode of operation. Aiming at increased productivity and process improvement, GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) welding is an alternative with regard to high deposition rates, high throughput, low slag and spatter generation if compared to the solid wire process. This work compared ER70S-6 solid wire welding to E70C-6C metal cored in 1.6mm diameters over ASTM A516-Gr70 material, where it is recommended for the manufacture of pressure vessels under active atmosphere (100% CO2). After the tests, the specimens were submitted to tensile, bending, Charpy impact, Vickers hardness profile, macrostructural characterization tests, obtaining satisfactory mechanical properties for both tests from the technical point of view. Regarding the economic objectives, comparing the ER70S-6 to the E70C-6C, respectively, the results were the increase of the deposition rate from 12.03Kg / h to 23.3Kg / h in open arc; reduction of CO2 consumption by 50%, reflecting a 33% reduction in welding operation costs.

DUTRA, Edgar; MAHCADO, Eduardo Luiz; PANÃO, Juliano Neves; FERRARI, Marcello. Análise técnica e econômica da soldagem robotizada de vasos de pressão utilizando-se dos arames maciço e metal cored sob atmosfera ativa. In: CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE SOLDAGEM, CONSOLA, 45., 2019, Camboriú. Anais… 12 p.

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