Reverberation time and the satisfaction with the classrooms acoustic quality


With the objective of studying an acceptable reverberation time range from the point of view of the students satisfation with the acoustic quality of classrooms, acoustic measurements were carried out in classrooms of Brazilian schools located in the metropolitan area of Greater São Paulo. Questionnaires were administered to the sudents of those classrooms in which the measurements took place in order to assesss the occupants satisfaction with the rooms. The results determined by the students indicate that the classical limits are more conservative and tend to value "drier" rooms (with lower reverberation times) even when furnished and unoccupied. However, more "lively" rooms (with greater reverberation times) were also considered satisfactory by the users of this research.

IKEDA, Cristina Yukari Kawakita; VITTORINO, Fúlvio; ONO, Rosária. Reverberation time and the satisfaction with the classrooms acoustic quality. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, ENCAC, 15., ENCONTRO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, ELACAC, 11., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais… 9 p.

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