Potencial da distribuição da escolaridade em função da renda per capta em uma bacia hidrográfica


Inequality is often accentuated by the economic growth of a population, resulting in social consequences. To evaluate the impact of income on the distribution of education in the Una River Basin, Ibiúna / SP, were calculated the per capita income data and education values according to the methodology that compose the Municipal HDI. In order to obtain the potential of the education distribution was applied the Kriging of the income and education data, by census tracts and subsequently crossed. As a final result was obtained a map of the spatial distribution prediction of education in the river basin. Indicating that, as the points distance themselves from the urban area of the municipality, smaller are the chance of the population to have access to education. It is concluded that the present methodology can be used as an important tool for the management of public and socio-environmental policies.

SALES, Jomil Costa Abreu; SILVA, Darllan Collins da Cunha e; OLIVEIRA, Renan Angrizani de; SIMONETTI, Vanessa Cezar; BITAR, Omar Yazbek; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Potencial da distribuição da escolaridade em função da renda per capta em uma bacia hidrográfica. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 19., 2019, Santos. Anais…. 4 p.

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