Embankmenrs on soft sol: the role of georgrids


The construction of embankments on soft soils is a technically feasible option and has been adopted frequently by geotechnical engineering. To this purpose, geosynthetics – and especially geogrids – have been successfully used as reinforcements in earth works where soft soils are present. This paper discusses the use of geogrids as reinforcement in infrastructure works, where the presence of soft soils is a challenge for the definition of a road layout and for its economic viability. The method adopted in the present study consists on the development of some numerical modeling using a specific geotechnical software, simulating the execution of compacted embankments over clayey soil of low consistency, with and without the presence of geogrids, and studying the influence of the number of reinforcing layers, following the specifications of British Standard BS 8006/2010 – Code of practice for strengthened-reinforced soils and other fills.

CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de; PLÁCIDO, Rafael Ribeiro. Embankments on soft soil: the role of geogrids. In: PANAMERICAN CONFERENCE ON GEOSYNTHETICS – GEOAMERICAS 2020, 4., Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings (on line)… 9p.  

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