Estudo do mecanismo de rockburst na Serra do Mar


Outcropping precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks and keeping a rich geological history, the Serra do Mar sets itself as one of the most complex geomorphologic features of brazilian territory. Consisting of structurally heterogeneous rock masses this ancient orogen presents highly variable in situ stress field throughout it’s extension, what increases the possibility of stress concentration around underground excavations. Having said that, the comprehension of mechanisms responsible for high stresses concentration as the rock mass geological structure, physical parameters of rock, residual tectonic stress etc. and their relation to the excessive storage of elastic energy necessary to rockburst development is essential for preventing unforeseen geological events. To achieve that this ongoing project of technological initiation is using bibliographic search and numerical modelling through RS2 (Phase2 9.0) software, from Rocscience, in order to better understand and look for alternatives to avoid rockburst events in the process of Brazil’s underground space occupation. Later the research project aims to identify proceedings to reduce the intensity of this phenomena, as changing the excavation direction or even applying other engineering techniques to contain rock ejection from the excavation boundaries.

PEREIRA, João Pedro Silva, IYOMASA, Wilson Shoji; PIZZATO, Edilson. Estudo do mecanismo de rockburst na Serra do Mar. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2018. 9 p.

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