Social mobilization and communication for publica policies: the case of the Regional Plan for the Integrated Solid Waste Management for Baixada Santista


The Regional Plan for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste of the Baixada Santista (PRGIRS/BS) was elaborated in a participatory manner, aiming at the adequate management of solid waste in the region and considering its environmental, economic and social aspects. This paper presents the strategies for social mobilization and communication defined to guarantee the involvement of  different stakeholders in the elaboration of PRGIRS/BS, broadly disseminate the process, the objectives and challenges to be achieved and make the information to the qualified participation of society available in the decision-making steps of PRGIRS/BS. The main actions of mobilization and  communication adopted in the work were: (a) identification of stakeholders; (b) establishment of the Support Group; (c) definition of mobilization tools; (d) preparation of workshop activities; (e) divulgation of products and results. Throughout PRGIRS/BS’s elaboration process, about 12 open public events were held in different cities of Baixada Santista, including workshops, public hearings, technical events and technical meetings. The work involved more than 800 people from different segments of society (municipal, state and federal public administration, private sector, regulatory bodies, universities, third sector, autonomous professionals, unions, associations and cooperatives, and citizens without associative links). As a result, 175 news were generated in different media, most of them coming from external sources and evaluated as having a positive impact. It is concluded that the previously planned and elaborated social mobilization and communication strategies were essential for the correct understanding of the problem as well as for finding solutions for issues associated with solid waste from Baixada Santista in an integrated manner. However, for the implementation of PRGIRS/BS, the commitment and participation of all the stakeholders that must be mobilized for its effective implementation is fundamental. 

TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; IKEMATSU, Priscila; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos; FREITAS, Flávio Sergio Jorge de; MENEGHELLO, Fernanda Faria; MARQUES; Ana Lúcia Buccolo; FERREIRA, Marcos Augusto; ROMÃO, Gabriela Aparecida Rodrigues; BERNARDINO, Renata Abib Ferrarezi. Mobilização social e comunicação em políticas públicas: o caso do Plano Regional Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos da Baixada Santista (PRGIRS/BS). Revista IPT: Tecnologia e Inovação, v.2, n.8, p.14-36, ago., 2018.

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