Changes in modern lifting-line methods for swept wings and viscous effects


A lifting-line formulation that makes possible the simulation of wings with sweep is presented; such formulation is based on modern adaptations of the classical theory and uses a nonlinear scheme to incorporate the influence of viscosity from real airfoil data on the wing lift and drag coefficients. The nonlinear scheme strictly satisfies the Pistolesi Boundary Condition over the control points at each iteration. The numerical accuracy of the method is verified through a standard procedure and the tool is consecutively validated against experimental data from several wings, each of which with a different planform. Satisfactory convergence rates, errors and uncertainties are obtained from the verification procedures and, for all wings, the agreement with experimental data are within a few percent. The results corroborate the reliability of the proposed formulation.

CHREIM, José Rodolfo; PIMENTA, Marcos de Mattos; ASSI, Gustavo Roque da Silva; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi. Changes in modern lifting-line methods for swept wings and viscous effects. In: APPLIED AERODYNAMICS CONFERENCE, AIAA AVIATION AND AERONAUTICS FORUM AND AXPOSITION, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia. Proceedings… 17 p.

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