Aplicação de indicadores ambientais para análise da água em bacias hidrográficas


Environmental indicators are important mechanisms to report solid and summarized information about the state of water that is one of the most important natural resources, whose quantity and quality depends on the use of soil and anthropic management. Therefore, in this study was elaborated a Normalized Water Quality Index (IQAN) that integrated information about the water conditions in the Una River Watershed, using in your calculation, scientific bases, water quality parameters and geoprocessing techniques. It is possible to adjust financial conditions and information availability in the study area. Based on the results obtained, was possible to verify that IQAN values are concentrated in the south of the watershed and are influenced by the low values of dissolved oxygen (DO), since this variable has the greatest weight in this study. Besides the DO, are other parameters that present values outside the legal limits as the phosphate and pH found in the south of the watershed and collaborated to lower the IQAN values. These values below expectations are justified by the poor sanitation conditions present in the study area and the agricultural activities using fertilizers in regions with high declivity without riparian forests, which favors the sediment transport to the water courses studied.

SILVA, Darllan Colins da Cunha e; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; OLIVEIRA, Renan Angrizani de; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Aplicação de indicadores ambientais para análise da água em bacias hidrográficas. Revista da Brasileira de Geografia Física, v.10, n.2, p.610-626, 2017.

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