Catalytic reforming of methane for direct reduction of iron


Direct Reduction processes use gases (CO and H2) for iron reduction and DRI production. The generation of this gas occurs through methane reforming, which can be done in a reformer or inside the reduction shaft with the DRI as catalyst. The latter occurs in the self-reforming processes. The kinetics of steam reforming of methane catalyzed by DRI was studied at temperatures between 875°C and 1050°C. The results showed that up to methane conversion of 0.50, reforming is controlled by catalytic chemical reaction according to the mechanism proposed by Münster and Grabke(3,4). Above this point, the mechanism is not clear. Using gas with potential below the limit for carburization (CH4/H2O < 1) resulted in DRI without carbon. With potential at or above the limit, DRI was carburized and in the case of the gas similar to the industrial process the carburization hindered the catalytic reforming reaction.

RIBEIRO, Tiago Ramos; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; POÇO, João Guilherme Rocha; TAKANO, Cyro; KOLBEINSEN, Leiv; RINGDALEN, Eli. Reforma catalítica de metano para redução direta de ferro. In: SEMINÁRIO DE REDUÇÃO DE MINÉRIOS E MATÉRIAS-PRIMAS, 47., 2017, São Paulo. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABM WEEK, 2017. p.228-239.

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