Mining tailings: a perspective of the brazilian scenario, part 2: technological development and new uses


A remarkable characteristic of the mineral activity is the handling of an enormous amount of material, which generates a considerable quantity of tailings, depending on the content of the mineral and the mineral processing technology adopted. Mineral tailings reclamation has become widely discussed, especially after the Samarco’s dam spill in 2015. Our work “Mining tailings: a perspective of the Brazilian scenario” is structured in two parts. The first part highlighted the economic and social relevance of the mining activity to the country. The second one, presented in this work, approaches the level of the technological development available for the recovery of tailings, and the new use that has been proposed for them. In this document, the authors also conclude the analysis and propose the creation of a new business in the mining value chain, so as to stimulate the sustainable development of this activity.

MORAES, Sandra Lucia de; MOTTA, Flávia Gutierrez ; MASSOLA, Camila Peres ; SACCOCCIO, Eduardo Maziero ; CABRAL JUNIOR, Marsis . Rejeitos de mineração: um olhar do cenário brasileiro;- parte 2: tecnologias para aproveitamento e novos usos. In: SIMPÓSIO DE MINERAÇÃO, 18., 2017, São Paulo. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABM WEEK, 2017. p. 241-255.

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