Influence of pH and temperature on the enzymatic activity of the enzyme fructosyltransferase from aspergillus oryzae IPT-301


The enzyme fructosiltransferase (FTase), produced by the fungus Aspergillus Oryzae IPT-301, is utilized for the production of fructooligossacharides (FOS). FOS are important sugars for the food industry because of its benefits to human health. In this work, the effects of pH and temperature on the enzyme FTase were evaluated using a complete factorial experimental design 22 with 3 central points. Measurements of hydrolytic activities (Ah), transfructosylation activities (At) and the ratio (At/Ah) between them were carried out as function of pH and temperature. The highest ratio (At/Ah) found was 22.67 at pH 6.75 and temperature of 45°C.

OLIVEIRA, Marcela Fernandes de; CUNHA, Josivan de Souza; PERNA, Rafael Firmani; MORATTI, Geisa de Fátima; MAIORANO, Alfredo Eduardo; BASSO, Rodrigo Corrêa. Influence of pH and temperature on the enzymatic activity of the enzyme fructosyltransferase from aspergillus oryzae IPT-301. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE BIOPROCESSOS, 21., 2017, Aracaju. Anais…

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