Análise espacial das populações residentes em bacias hidrográficas através de indicadores socioambientais


Socio-environmental index and indicators are important mechanisms for communicate summary information or provide solid bases about the quality of human lives, because they are static values that dimensionalize the current moment, thus presenting a predictive potentiality for a short time period. Therefore, in this study was developed Social Inclusion Indicator (IIS) that incorporated socio-environmental information fron Una River Watershed located in the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba (RMS), using in its calculation, data from the demographic data and geoprocessing techniques, which to quantify the weight of each variable of IIS was applied Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. From the obtained results it was possible to verify that all values are below 0.50, that is, values are considered bad and inadequate. These values below expectations are justified by low-income and high illiteracy rate in the present study area. The urban area compared to rural area showed better values in part justified by the population of these areas access to education and better employment opportunities. It can be concluded that IIS is an important tool that allows identify numerically the social reality focusing on the domiciles and residents of a specific study area and therefore can serve as a decision-making tool for public managers and stakeholders on this issue.

SILVA, Darllan Collins da Cunha e; OLIVEIRA, Vanessa Nastri; DOMINATO, Veronica Dias; OLIVEIRA, Renan Angrizani de; SIMONETTI, Vanessa Cezar; SALES, Jomil Costa Abreu; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; LOURENÇO, Roberto Wagner. Análise espacial das populações residentes em bacias hidrográficas através de indicadores socioambientais. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 18., 2017, Santos. Anais… p. 2059-2066

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