Predicted and measured behavior of a tall building in a lateritic clay

For design purposes, SPT-Ts and in situ determinations of G0, were carried out. The efficiency of the Brazilian SPT is, on average, 72%. Settlement rather than capacity governed the design. Later, with the building already under construction, other tests were performed, exclusively for research purposes. A load test was carried out on a square footing foundation, up to the conventional failure load, Quc (the load corresponding to a settlement of 10% of the equivalent width of the foundation, Beq). Based on these test results, predictions of capacity and deformations of the foundations were made. And, what is unusual in any foundation experimental field, a 25 storey building was constructed, the settlements of its columns being measured. However, these settlement measurements started only when about 2/3 of the nominal column loads had already been applied. Computer programs were developed, for allowing correct assessments of column loads and settlements, since the very beginning of the loadings. The measured settlements, up to the end of construction, were very small, less than 10.0 mm, no matter the stresses applied to the footings being very high, typically 1.2 MPa, confirming the high stiffness (load/settlement) of this lateritic clay.
DÉCOURT, Luciano; GROTTA JÚNIOR, C.; PENNA, A.S.D.; CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de. Predicted and measured behavior of a tall building in a lateritic clay. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION, 5., 2016, Queensland, Austrália. Proceedings… 5 p.  

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