Diretrizes para intervenções na envoltória de edifícios comerciais na zona bioclimática 3 para obtenção do nível A pelo método prescritivo da certificação procel edifica


Construction designers deal with a large number of variables in the realization of a project, among them those related to thermal performance and, consequently, the energy efficiency of the building. The national label energy conservation of PBE Edifica presents itself as an option for certification of commercial buildings in relation to their energy efficiency. This study was conducted in order to establish guidelines for the construction professional to intervene effectively on the building envelope and thus achieve the "Level A" rating PBE Edifica label, through the prescriptive method. The results were organized in order to highlight the impact of variables that influence the indicator of energy consumption due to the building envelope. Among the findings are: the "opening percentage on the facade" is the variable that most impacts the end result of the consumption indicator of envelopment, then the variable "vertical angle shading"; variables such as "form factor", "high factor" and "horizontal angle shading" not directly interfere with the outcome of the consumption indicator; the combination of variables, accordingly, allows to obtain the "level A" accreditation, depending on the characteristics of the building.

ELOY, Danielle; AKUTSU, Maria. Diretrizes para intervenções na envoltória de edifícios comerciais na zona bioclimática 3 para obtenção do "nível A" pelo método prescritivo da certificação procel edifica. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Desafios e perspectivas da internacionalização da construção, 16., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2016. p. 831-842.

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