Many parameters used in the models of vapor intrusion come from the characteristics of the soil and the buildings that are difficult to characterize, in addition, most of these models consider the forced propagation of the steam to the interior of the buildings. Therefore, the results obtained in the usual models to obtain the attenuation factor can often not represent the real situation of this risk. In this context, he carried out a bibliographical research aiming at the identification and selection of the most appropriate methods to be used. The method that considers the upward flow of methane in addition to the results of subslab has proved more appropriate.
ARAÚJO, Marcela Maciel de; REBELO, Cláudia Zveibel Toporovski; AIKAWA, Tatiane Nogueira; PINHEIRO, Paloma Capistrano. Breve abordagem dos fatores de atenuação de intrusão de vapores. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBTERRÂNEO – CIMAS, 5., 2017, São Paulo-SP. Anais… 4 p.
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Many parameters used in the models of vapor intrusion come from the characteristics of the soil and the buildings that are difficult to characterize, in addition, most of these models consider the forced propagation of the steam to the interior of the buildings. Therefore, the results obtained in the usual models to obtain the attenuation factor can often not represent the real situation of this risk. In this context, he carried out a bibliographical research aiming at the identification and selection of the most appropriate methods to be used. The method that considers the upward flow of methane in addition to the results of subslab has proved more appropriate.
ARAÚJO, Marcela Maciel de; REBELO, Cláudia Zveibel Toporovski; AIKAWA, Tatiane Nogueira; PINHEIRO, Paloma Capistrano. Breve abordagem dos fatores de atenuação de intrusão de vapores. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBTERRÂNEO – CIMAS, 5., 2017, São Paulo-SP. Anais… 4 p.
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