Impacto da malha rodoviária na vazão de pico nas cabeceiras do Córrego Embiri, Regente Feijó, SP.


In a study of a headwater gully in Espigao district (Regente Feijo, Sao Paulo State – Brazil) the contribution of Raposo Tavares roadway was estimated on peak discharge in the analyzed hydrographic compartments. This type of analysis is important because the highways are considered pluvial runoff formers, since they are mostly composed by impermeable pavement. The impermeability of asphalt pavement causes significant surface runoff with great relative participation on total discharge, even in precipitations with low magnitude and low return periods – 10 years, for instance. These flows, if disposed irregularly or concentrated in the soil, are one of the main triggers of linear erosion (rill/ravine and gully). The majority of Brazilian natural disasters are related to water dynamics, so, this paper illustrates the importance of using hydrological tools in performing quantitative analysis on the management of water resources, especially in forecasting and mitigation of harmful economic and environmentally consequences.


FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques. ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano de. Impacto da malha rodoviária na vazão de pico nas cabeceiras do Córrego Embiri, Regente Feijó, SP. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE DE ANÁLISE DE RISCO LATINO AMERICANA, 3., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2016. 8 p.

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