Waste minimization opportunities assessment in a small company: seld adhesive products


The problem situation of this research involves the generation of waste and the need to minimize in a small Brazilian company in the segment of self-adhesive products. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve the management of its main residue, adhesive paper, the light of the principles of Cleaner Production (CP). The methodological procedure involved the diagnosis of generation, causes and opportunities CP, assessment and propose mitigation actions. The main causes of generation of adhesive paper waste are inherent in the technology adopted in the production, but it was possible to minimize the generation at all stages of the production process. The conclusions shows that the CP is available to the reality of small business, with concrete results, since from its resources there was a reduction of waste generation and the consequent decrease in consumption of raw materials.

SILVA, O.A. da; TEIXEIRA, C.E. Avaliação de oportunidades de minimização de resíduos em uma pequena empresa de produtos autoadesivos. In: ENCONTRO INTERNATIONAL SOBRE GESTÃO EMPRESARIAL E MEIO AMBIENTE, 17., 2015, São Paulo. Anais…

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