Madeiras tropiciais menos conhecidas para a construção civil: uma ferramenta do programa madeira é legal


The substitution of traditional woods used in civil construction by other lesser-known timbers, is rational, environmentally desirable and rewarding in terms of cost -benefit. This work presents as a result of an initiative under the Program Madeira is legal: the publication entitled Catalogue of Brazilian Woods for Construction. This is to be a tool for enlarging the wood supply to market. These timber species are to obtained in a sustainable way that can assure consumers of acquiring a raw from a legal origin, responsibly extracted according to the principles recommended by the Protocol “Madeira é legal”.


NAHUZ, Marcio Augusto Rabelo; MIRANDA, Maria José de Andrade Casimiro; DI ROMAGNANO, Ligia Ferrari Torella. Madeiras tropicais menos conhecidas para a construção civil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA DA MADEIRA, CBCTEM, 2., 2015, Belo Horizonte. Anais... 8 p.

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