GPR: imageamento 3D aplicado na investigação de armaduras em concreto


This paper presents the use of ground penetrating radar (gpr) method to investigate steel rods in concrete. Using an antenna of a central frequency of 1.6 GHz, GPR data were collected at the surface of a concrete slab of a building and were analyzed in a 3D model to determine the position of reinforcing bars in concrete. The results showed the location of the armor of steel accurately aiding in the evaluation of the structural conditions of the covering of the building.

GALLI, Vicente Luiz; GUIRARDI, Daniel Mariani; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli. GPR: imageamento 3D aplicado na investigação de armaduras em concreto. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 14., 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 6 p.

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