Fragilidade potencial e emergente em área de riscoBairro Brigadeiro Tobias, Sorocaba, SP


The neighborhood Brigadeiro Tobias, constitutes by a large majority of irregular housing, has a history of annual events related to mass movements by its natural features such as anthropogenic interference, thus forming, as an area of risk. In this context, the present work has the geomorphological mapping as a guide for the analysis of potential natural fragility and emerging fragility, aiming to demonstrate the risks present there.

CAROU, C.B.; VILLELA, F.N.J.; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; MARTINEZ, M.R . Fragilidade potencial e emergente em área de risco : Bairro Brigadeiro Tobias, Sorocaba, SP. Revista Geonorte, v.10, n.1, Ed.Esp.4, p.82-87, 2014.

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