Cellulose inex crystallinity: comparison of methods


Cellulose occurs in nature as a fibrous arrange with crystalline and amorphous domains. Cellulose crystallinity bears on its properties and reactivity. The ratio between crystalline and amorphous regions is denominated index of crystallinity (Ic). The technique used to determine Ic of cellulose influences the results obtained. This study compares the index of crystallinity of cotton linters, sisal and eucalyptus pulps, determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and iodine sorption test (ISV). The data of Ic(XRD) showed linear correlation, indicating that the results of these techniques are correlated. Compared to the XRD, the FTIR experiment is easier to do and requires readily available equipment, and no specialized operator training. The Ic(ISV) and Ic(XRD) data show the same tendency, i.e., correlate only qualitatively. Therefore, ISV is recommended as a simple method for qualitative comparison cellulose samples.

FERREIRA, Daniela Colevati; LUCATS, Mariana E.; EL SEOUD, Omar A.; D’ÁLMEIDA, Maria Luiza Otero. Cellulose index of crystallinity : comparison of methods. In: IBEROMERICAN CONGRESS ON PULP AND PAPER RESEARCH, 8., 2014, Medelin, Colombia. Proccedings… 7 p.

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