Intelligence in urban mobility for world cup 2014: case study of the São Paulo Arena


The present study is an analysis within the Urban Mobility, planned for the FIFA World Cup 2014 with a focus on the city of São Paulo operations. Experiences of previous mega-events (World Cups and Olympics) and the strategies implemented to overcome transportation challenges imposed by them were investigated. A summary of the planned operation has been done for the city of São Paulo, which will host the opening event beyond five games during the World Cup. To support this operation, especially in contingencies (such as demonstrations), were searched and identified possible tools for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Continuing this research, a conceptual model is planned to be designed for predicting the behavior of the mobility operation during big events.

MARTE, Claudio Luiz; MARQUEZ, José Mauro ; SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; CARRERA, Maria Andrade; SARAIVA, Padro Berlinger. Intelligence in urban mobility for world cup 2014 : case study of the São Paulo Arena. In: WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, 2014, Detroit. Proceedigns… 10 p.

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