Land use, erosive processes and hydrographic units of Sao Paulo State, Brazil: some considerations


This paper presents a brief analysis of the land use and occupation and the occurrences of erosion, using as units of analysis the 22 Watersheds for the State of São Paulo. The classification of land use and erosion processes data were analyzed from available works and permitted to identify that uses with greater coverage area in the State of São Paulo correspond to the classes of: field/ pasture (UGRHIs Peixe, Aguapeí, Pontal do Paranapanema and São José dos Dourados); forests (UGRHIs Litoral Norte, Baixada Santista and Ribeira de Iguape/Litoral Sul); and semi-perennial crops (UGRHIs Baixo Pardo/Grande, Mogi Guaçu, Sapucaí /Grande and Pardo). Concerning erosion processes, the UGRHIs Peixe, Alto Paranapanema, Tietê/Sorocaba, Paraíba do Sul, Mogi-Guaçu, Pontal do Paranapanema and Piracicaba/Capivari/Jundiaí can be detached with the largest number of occurrences. Due to the impacts of the changes imposed by land use and the occurrence of these processes, goals and actions for their prevention and control are included in the basin plans prepared for the Hydrographic Units of the State of São Paulo.

ALMEIDA, Maria Cristina Jacinto de; ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano de; PAULON, Nivaldo; Lima, Cibele Oliveira. Uso do solo e processos erosivos nas unidades de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos do Estado de São Paulo: algumas considerações. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 20., 2013, Bento Gonçalves. Atas… Porto Alegre: ABRH, 2013.. 7 p.

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