Túnel de vento: uma importante ferramenta a serviço de tecnologias sustentáveis


Sustainable technologies involving social and environmental issues such as green buildings, wind energy, pollution and agriculture profit from tools that improve design. The wind tunnel is one such tool that makes it possible to simulate the most significant characteristics of natural wind in urban or rural environments and how these characteristics improve or worsens the performance of sustainable systems. This article presents some applications of the IPT’s wind tunnel who can be used to improve estimates of wind potential of a terrain or even urban areas. It can also be used to study the effect of Interference between wind turbines and their wakes so that the number and layout of wind turbines is optimal. Wind tunnel testing is also used to analyze and improve sustainable buildings where natural ventilation is optimized to reduce the need of forced ventilation to a minimum. The dispersion of urban contaminants or odors emitted by industrial plants and vehicles are modeled in the wind tunnel so that better alternative vehicular routes can be proposed and natural or artificial barriers used to improve air quality and avoid respiratory pathologies and other related diseases common in large urban centers. Wind can induce erosion and blow dust and other impurities to urban centers. Wind fences can reduce such problems and its aerodynamic characteristics can be studied in the wind tunnel. Passive aerodynamic devices can changes wind turbulence on agriculture and improve quality and productivity. Wind affects most natural and human processes and its accurate modeling is an important part of any efficient design of sustainable technology. Wind tunnel testing is, still today, the most accurate tool when modeling complex phenomena involving natural wind.

MARTINS, Gabriel Borelli; LIMA, Alessandro Alberto de; JABARDO, Paulo José Saiz; NADER, Gilder. Túnel de vento: uma importante ferramenta a serviço de tecnologias sustentáveis. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE INOVAÇÃO E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 1., 2013, São Paulo. Anais… 28 p.

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