Nuclear magnetic resonance system with continuous flow of polarized water to obtain the traceability to static magnetic fields


We have developed a system to obtain the traceability of field or magnetic induction intensity in the range of 2 μT up to 2 T, even in the presence of magnetic field gradients or noisy environments. The system is based on a nuclear magnetic resonance magnetometer, built in streaming water. The calibration procedure of a coil for magnetic field generation is described, as well as the results obtained and the estimated uncertainty.

MARTIN, Ramon Valls; NAZARRE, Diego Joriro. Sistema de ressonância magnética nuclear com fluxo contínuo de água polarizada para obtenção da restreabilidade para campos magnéticos estáticos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 9 p.

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