Mobile unit for assessement of energy consumption and emissions of air pollutants from combustion industrial equipment


The IPT with funding from Comgás within the “Annual Program of Research and Techno logical Development and Conservation and Rational Use of Gas in São Paulo”, mounted mobile unit (van type vehicle) equipped with instrumentation to evaluate the energy consumption and pollutant emissions from industrial combustion equipment. The unit has instruments for measuring the properties (flow, temperature, pressure and chemical composition) of the main input and output streams of combustion equipment such as boilers, furnaces and thermal fluid heaters. For measuring the flue gas composition, for example, has continuous analyzers for oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx), and instruments for discontinuous particulate matter. The mobile unit was recently used in the project which aimed to raise thermal efficiency and emissions of air pollutants from boilers operating with natural gas located in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas and surrounding areas, and propose measures to optimize these parameters.

VERGNHANINI FILHO, Renato; ANDRADE, Luiz Antonio; BRITO, Hudson B. de. Unidade móvel para avaliação do consumo de energia e da emissão de poluentes atmosféricos de equipamentos industriais de combustão. In: In: SEMINÁRIO DE BALANÇOS ENERGÉTICOS GLOBAIS E UTILIDADES, 34; ENCONTRO DE PRODUTORES E CONSUMIDORES DE GASES INDUSTRIAIS, 28., 2013, Vitória. Anais… São Paulo: ABM, 2013. 12 p.

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