Currently there is a growing supply on Brazilian construction Market of technologies not adhered coatings (NAC) façade, known internationally as Ventilated Facades. The NAC potentially has an effective barrier against water infiltration, and maintenance of thermal comfort inside, according to the principles of “Multiple Barriers”, since it meets the design criteria and rigorous assembly. However, there are no national technical standards to guide project development, installation and maintenance of NAC. Within this panorama, this technology should be studied and evaluated about design and development of a series of requirements and performance criteria, considering the actions to which the NAC will be exposed. The article presents a set of guidelines that the designer needs to know to specify NAC technologies, considering compliance and control of project phases, installation and maintenance. The guidelines include recommendations for meeting the requirements of structural safety, durability and impermeability to water. The article is an excerpt from a dissertation. Future studies of this technology should address other important aspects, such as: requirements s and performance criteria thermal , acoustic, fire safety, energy efficiency, etc.
MACHADO, Antônio Luís do Amaral; OLIVEIRA, Luciana Alves de. Diretrizes de projeto para revestimentos não aderidos de fachadas. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DO PROJETO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 3.; ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO, 6., 2013, Campinas. Anais… p.134-146.
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Currently there is a growing supply on Brazilian construction Market of technologies not adhered coatings (NAC) façade, known internationally as Ventilated Facades. The NAC potentially has an effective barrier against water infiltration, and maintenance of thermal comfort inside, according to the principles of “Multiple Barriers”, since it meets the design criteria and rigorous assembly. However, there are no national technical standards to guide project development, installation and maintenance of NAC. Within this panorama, this technology should be studied and evaluated about design and development of a series of requirements and performance criteria, considering the actions to which the NAC will be exposed. The article presents a set of guidelines that the designer needs to know to specify NAC technologies, considering compliance and control of project phases, installation and maintenance. The guidelines include recommendations for meeting the requirements of structural safety, durability and impermeability to water. The article is an excerpt from a dissertation. Future studies of this technology should address other important aspects, such as: requirements s and performance criteria thermal , acoustic, fire safety, energy efficiency, etc.
MACHADO, Antônio Luís do Amaral; OLIVEIRA, Luciana Alves de. Diretrizes de projeto para revestimentos não aderidos de fachadas. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DO PROJETO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 3.; ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO NA CONSTRUÇÃO, 6., 2013, Campinas. Anais… p.134-146.
Document protected with password, ask Customer Service/Library-DAIT/IPT. Log in to BiblioInfo Bibioteca-DAIT/IPT to access the full text in PDF: