Experimental performance study of industrial-grade coordinate measuring machines using a calibrated production workpiece


The measurement of a part on a coordinate measuring machine many be affected by many factors such as machine frame accuracy, probe configuration, measuring environment, and measurement strategy. In order to understand the effect of some of those on measurements performed in industrial-grade machine, a master production workpiece has been chosen and circulated in Brazilian industries for collecting data points of the calibrated workpiece features according to a predefined master measuring protocol. Conclusions could be drawn about the behavior of each machine under varying conditions, measurement divergences from similar machines operating under distinct conditions, the complexity of measurements with CMMs, and the need for good measurement practices in the productive sector.

BALDO, Crhistian Raffaelo; DONATELLI, Gustavo Daniel. Experimental performance study of industrial: grade coordinate measuring machines using a calibrated production workpiece. In: THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY AND INTELLIGENT ISNTRUMENTS, 11., 2013, Aachen, GE. Proceedings… 4p.

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