O efeito da inércia térmica de paredes no desempenho térmico de edificações escolares


This paper present the results of studies conducted to verify the hypothesis that the use of thermal inertia in school buildings in the metropolitan region of São Paulo – SP, is an important strategy for climate suitability of the building throughout the year. Measurements were performed in the temperature of outside air and indoor air and surface temperatures of internal and external walls in the temperature of outside air and indoor air and surface temperatures of internal and external walls in three classrooms with the same size, differing only in the construction of the walls, made with a masonry concrete hollow blocks with 19 cm thick, and other masonry with the same elements, filled with sand, in order to increase the thermal capacity of the wall. The analysis considers the effects of parameters characterizing the thermal inertia of the walls in the building’s overall thermal performance.

AKUTSU, Maria; REIS FILHO, Adolfo; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello; BRITO, Adriana C. de; SILVA, Wesley Santos da. O efeito da inércia térmica de paredes no desempenho térmico de edificações escolares. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 12., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 8., Brasília, 2013. Anais… 9p.

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