Avaliação da vulnerabilidade à contaminação dos aquíferos pela intrusão salina em trecho da orla de Fortaleza CE, Brasil


There are several methods that allow the determination of the danger of contamination of an aquifer with respect to contaminant loads, which act as evaluative tools of vulnerability zoning and provide a general mapping of the fragility of contamination of this water body, providing support for planning and environmental management of a particular area or city. Among these features is the GALDIT method that presents itself as the most suitable for the assessment of the vulnerability of coastal aquifers to contamination at the site chosen for research, on the coastal area of the city of Fortaleza. It refers to a method of easy application; the data are easily obtained and constitutes a specific tool for studying the problem. Applying the GALDIT method in part of the coastal aquifer in Fortaleza, it can be observed that most of the area is classified as middle vulnerability, the strip closest to the sea, is classified as high vulnerability, and only a small area, located southwest, has low vulnerability to saltwater intrusion.

ANDRADE, Marissa Chiareli de Alvarenga; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; LEITE, Cláudio Benedito Baptista ; BRAGA, Antônio Celso de Oliveira; CARVALHO, Ana Maciel de; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz. Avaliação da vulnerabilidade à contaminação dos aquíferos pela intrusão salina em trecho da orla de Fortaleza CE, Brasil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ÁGUAS SUBTERRÂNEAS, 17., 2012, Bonito. Anais… São Paulo: ABAS, 2012.

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