Proposta metodológica para identificação e caracterização de fontes de suprimento de matérias-primas minerais: aplicação na indústria de cerâmica vermelha do médio Rio Tietê, SP


Proposed methodology for the identification and characterization of the potential supply areas of mineral raw materials: application in the red ceramics industry of the Medium Tietê River, São Paulo State, Brazil. One of the major obstacles to improving competitiveness of the Brazilian red ceramic industry is related to failures in the system of raw material’s supply that encompass factors such as: the exhaustion of deposits and lack of new sources, difficulties in the regularization process of mining clay, and low technological investment in the process. In order to provide subsidies for the improvement of mineral supply, this paper presents a methodological approach for a systematic evaluation of alternative supply of ceramic raw materials, taking as a reference studies carried out in the Barra Bonita red ceramics cluster. The set of techniques used included the combination of two investigation procedures: a mineral exploration oriented to finding new clave deposits, and tracking of potential suppliers, through the survey and selection of clay mining titles identified in the surroundings of red ceramic cluster, by using the databases of the National Department of Mineral Production. The collected data were manipulated in GIS environment. The results obtained were considered satisfactory as they provided a comprehensive characterization of the possible sources of supply – mine in operation, deposits in the process of regularization, and new clarey deposits – considering distances up to about 90 Km from the pole consumer.


CABRAL JR., Marsis; GAMBA, Carlos Tadeu de Carvalho ; TANNO, Luiz Carlos ; ALMEIDA, Amilton dos Santos . Proposta metodológica para identificação e caracterização de fontes de suprimento de matérias-primas minerais: aplicação na indústria de cerâmica vermelha do médio Rio Tietê, SP. Geociências, UNESP, v. 31, n. 2, p. 287-307, 2012.

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