Avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV): uma análise da produção acadêmica em eventos brasileiros QUALIS Administração no período 2000-2010


The aim of this study was to investigate the research’s profile and development of the theme Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), methodological approaches, the characteristics of authors and the IES’ participation in national events in the Administration’s area. We selected six events classified by the Qualis system: ENANPAD, ENEGEP ENGEMA, SEMEAD, SGIT and SIMPOI. The survey was conducted of articles published in the 2000 to 2010 period using "life cycle" as a keyword to search. Among the 884 articles found on the life cycle period of 11 years only 37 articles used whole or partly the LCA methodology. The issue most discussed by the authors was the use of LCA as a tool for environmental management (48.6%), then the application of LCA in products or goods (37.8%), methodological development (10.8%) and one bibliometric study. The ENEGEP published the most articles (24) followed by ENGEMA (11), there were more qualitative research with 19 publications and two authors (18). For the number of articles published, it was found that LCA studies of the topic in the administration’s research area are not yet fully developed in the academy.

SANTOS, Mario Roberto dos; SOUZA, Maria Tereza Saraiva de. Avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV): uma análise da produção acadêmica em eventos brasileiros Qualis Administração no período 2000-2010. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL SOBRE GESTÃO EMPRESARIAL E MEIO AMBIENTE, 14., 2012, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: UNINOVE, 2012. 21p.

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