Corrosion in ethanol fuel powered cars: problems and remedies


A review of corrosion problems found in ethanol cars using the same components as those of gasoline cars in presented. All metallic components in contact with liquid ethanol, such as terneplate or phosphate steel fuel tanks, zinc plated fuel pumps and zamak carburetors suffer some degree of corrosion. Hot corrosion was observed to occur on exhaust valves due to deposition of lead oxides. To control this corrosion the ethanol cars are using tin plated fuel tanks, cadmium plated fuel pumps, electroless nickel coated zamak carburetors and aluminized exhaust valves. Some corrosion inhibitors were tried to control corrosion but with limited success. Since the ethanol corrosivity is due to contaminants, such as sulfates and chlorides, their neutralization or elimination has been attempted with promising results.

WOLYNEC, Stephan; TANAKA. Deniol K. Corrosion in ethanol fuel powered cars: problems and remedies. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON METALLIC CORROSION, 9., 1984, Toronto.  Proceedings… Toronto, 1984. v. 3, p. 468-474.

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