Stress corrosion in austenitic stainless steel tubes of a heat exchanger


A case history of premature failure in a heat exchanger used to warm up the black liquor with water vapor in a pulp and paper plant is presented. Stress corrosion cracking did occur just after 48 hours of operation at the broaching region of AISI 304 strainless steel tubes. The cracks were initiated at the inner surface in contact with the black liquor. The stress corrosion was ascribe to high residual stresses introduced during the broaching operation and to a strong alkaline environment at temperatures around 135ºC.

CHAVES, Risomá; WOLYNEC, Stephan. Corrosão sobtensão em tubos de aço inoxidável austenítico de um trocador de calor. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE CORROSÃO , 11., Rio de Janeiro, 1984. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: Ass. Bras. Corrosão, 1984. p.168-74.

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