Methodological proposal for the closure and recovery of inadequate waste disposal sites


The existence of inadequate waste disposal sites currently represents one of the main challenges for municipal environmental management in Brazil. This article aims to present a methodological proposal for the closure and recovery of dumpsites and controlled landfills, applicable to the different realities existing in the country. This methodology is based on legislation, documents and technical guidelines produced by national and international bodies regarding different stages of the closure process, as well as on the experience of the Institute for Technological Research (IPT) in supporting São Paulo municipalities for the closure of dumpsites in the last 10 years, through the Technological Support Program for Municipalities (PATEM) of the State Government of São Paulo. The methodological proposal developed for the closure and recovery of dumpsites and controlled landfills includes five stages: deactivation of the area, survey of current and historical use and occupation data, environmental and geotechnical characterization, complementary studies and closure project. Each stage was developed to meet the different realities of the municipalities, with adaptation of the methodology according to the intrinsic characteristics of the areas. It is expected that this methodological proposal will contribute to the definition of technical guidelines and procedures for the closure of dumpsites and controlled landfills in Brazil, to support municipalities in the planning and implementation of environmental recovery actions in these areas, as well as in advancing the achievement of the Sustainable Development Objectives at the federal, state and municipal levels.

GUIMARÃES, Camila Camolesi; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos. Proposta metodológica para o encerramento e recuperação de áreas de disposição irregular de resíduos sólidos. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.5, n.18, p.6-22, dez., 2021.

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