Learning lessons from accidents on underground constructions in São Paulo city, Brazil


In recent decades, the metropolitan area of São Paulo city watched a great number of large underground works; with them, there were some accidents that raised questions about engineering solutions in use. The investigation of the factors involved in these accidents brought a great learning experience for professionals linked to the works, highlighting the importance of geological and geotechnical most accurate investigation, with the increasing use of non-destructive methods (geophysical tests), mapping the excavation fronts for identification of technical features of soils and rocks and with systematic analysis instrumentation, with the establishment of emergency alert levels and contingency plans. This paper aims to discuss the importance of these and other activities regarding design and implementation of urban tunnels

CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de; IYOMASA, Wilson Shoji; GALLI, Vicente Luiz. Learning lessons from accidents on underground constructions in São Paulo city, Brazil. In: WORLD TUNNEL CONGRESS, 2014, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings… São Paulo: ABM, ITA, 2014. 5 p.

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