Desenvolvimento tecnológico de válvulas de segurança, com foco no suprimento dos novos empreendimentos e visando o incremento do conteúdo local das plantas do abastecimento


The shortcomings of the supply chain national of safety relief valves, PSVs, associated with the exclusive existence of laboratories accredited certification by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, in United States and Germany, had the opportunity to be exposed in the Final Report “PROMINP-Downstream 18 “in 2005, where was foreseen a laboratory to facilitate certification of PSVs of manufactures national, but there was no continuity of the project for lack of financial resource. In 2010, the theme was proposed to the financier of Studies and Projects, FINEP, under the public convocation “MCT/FINEP/AT – ICT Cooperation – Business – PRE-SALT” and has been selected. Thus, in 2012 there was the adequacy of scope in relation to previous work, being budgeted by the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo, IPT, for 8.2 million, provides for the participation of the project portfolio of the Thematic Network Integration Science and Technology (RICT), coordinated by the Materials area of Petrobras. Finally, in this context, it is clear that this project will involve significant challenges and development efforts of the national industry supplier of goods and services in the context of science and technology, with the support of IPT, so that the Petrobras requirements are fully met, also implying a possibility of attending the entire chain of oil and gas, not exclusively Petrobras.


PEREIRA, João Bosco Santini; CAMPOS, Michel Fabianski; FURTADO, Sandro Rogério; GUERRA, Thiago Antonio André Clemente; RIBEIRO, Flávio Gonçalves da Cruz; FREIRE, Luiz Gustavo de Melo; RODRIGUES, Marcelo de Salles; KAWAKITA, Kazuto. Desenvolvimento tecnológico de válvulas de segurança, com foco no suprimento dos novos empreendimentos e visando o incremento do conteúdo local das plantas do abastecimento. In: RIO OIL & GAS EXPO AND CONFERENCE, 2012, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2012. 10 p.

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