Proposta de procedimento para obtenção de uma solução contaminante contendo hexaclorociclohexano (HCH) para ensaios de coluna de adsorção em lote


The compound hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) has been widely used to control pests in agriculture and insects that transmit diseases between the 40 and 80 and, along with other compounds, was a major source of environmental contamination. You are on the list of compounds classified as POPs (persistent organic pollutants) along with the so-called "12 Dirty" (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, DDT, dioxins, furans, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) mirex, PCBs and toxaphene) of the Convention Stockholm (SSC, 2007; C. Baird). This study aimed to propose a procedure for obtaining a solution with the major contaminant isomers HCH (£-HCH, ß-HCH, ý-HCH e §-HCH to be used in testing and batch adsorption column. In these tests, an aqueous solution containing known concentrations of insomers HCH, is mixed and ground to a percolated not contaminated by this compound, thereby analyzing the ability of the four major insomers HCH must be adsorbed and dispersed. The contaminant solution should, for this study, have concentrations of isomers of HCH near solubility of each in water, and contain detectable concentrations in chemical analysis methodology chosen for this study. For this, we used a sample of the pesticide, commonly known as BHC, which contains as active HCH. The pesticide was dissolved in deionized water. The concentrations obtained were very close to the desired isomers £-HCH, ß-HCH, yielding concentrations of 3.13 mg / L and 0.27 mg / L, respectively. The concentrations obtained for isomers and ý-HCH e §-HCH were below those desired, obtaining 6.50 mg / L and 11.5 mg / L, respectively. Despite this, the apta solution is capable of being developed for the tests to estimate parameters of transport of pollutants, for both the limits of detection (LOD) of the chromatograph to be used in chemical analyzes, concentrations are presented in average 261,100 times greater


MANÉO, Fernanda Peixoto; MONDELLI, Giulliana; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá. Proposta de procedimento para obtenção de uma solução contaminante contendo hexaclorociclohexano (HCH) para ensaios de coluna de adsorção em lote. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MECÂNICA DOS SOLOS E ENGENHARIA GEOTÉCNICA – COBRAMSEG, 16., 2012, Porto de Galinhas. Anais… São Paulo: ABMS, 2012

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